The aim of the LAND-MOBILITY: Innovative and digital training materials to foster land mobility initiatives project is to promote initiatives and innovative concepts surrounding land mobility in European Union countries by developing training materials and guidelines for landowners, farmers, authorities and advisors in the area of land mobility services, land management partnerships and farm take-over brokerage.
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Aims at developing knowledge and skills relating to the Land Mobility initiative and the handover process. The module will provide participants with the hard and soft skills required to engage in the hand over process. Personal, interpersonal and communication skills development are core elements of the module. Participants will require them to assess and implement especially for conflict resolution. Team dynamics and Team Theory will enable participants develop skills by networking, collaborating, understanding their place in a team, and understanding the different perspectives of the landowner and the successor.



Focuses on developing the hard and soft skills required to manage and grow a farm/ Agri business. The module will cover topics such as lean start-up, business management and financial planning. The module will explore the different options available to farmers in financing the takeover. Participants will engage with peer farmers that have been through the process and tackle challenges that require application of theory into practise. Providing them with an opportunity to experience real life actical pressures.



Will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the core marketing principles, branding and digital skills required for business management. The aim of the module is to provide the participants with the knowledge and practical skills required to implement and develop digital marketing and branding strategies that will aid them with business and customer development. The module will explore a range of digital technologies that can be used to create opportunity via online collaborations.



Focuses on developing the core skills required for Farm Management and will include Farm Regulations, Health and Safety on the Farm, Risk Assessment, Training and Education, Sustainability. On completion of the module students will be able to critically analyse and understand the relevant Farm regulations, have increased awareness of the importance of health and safety on the farm and implement training and tools to ensure compliance with regulations, ability to carry out a risk assessment plan on the farm, evaluate the relevant training and education required to comply with farm regulations.

Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 3
Case Study 4

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project number: 2019-1-IE01-KA202-051449